Creating an Enrichment Plan for a Senior Dog
A question that we get frequently asked is: My dog doesn’t have any behavior issues! How can I implement your enrichment framework? That’s a great
A question that we get frequently asked is: My dog doesn’t have any behavior issues! How can I implement your enrichment framework? That’s a great
If you’ve followed us for any amount of time, you know how much I love my dog, Oso. Chances are you’ve probably heard me call
Happy December, everyone! It is time for our final training challenge of this year! This month, we challenge you to explore enrichment opportunities outside of
Last week I discussed the 14 enrichment categories that we outlined in our book Canine Enrichment for the Real World. Now, sometimes when people see
We get asked all the time about what the “best dog enrichment activities” are or “what enrichment should I use with puppies” and the like.
This week, we kicked off season three of Enrichment for the Real World with an episode focused on Enrichment for Separation Anxiety, which combines two
Last month in the blog What About Agency in Training, we focused on increasing agency within training sessions, and mentioned that this month we were
Earlier this month, we had a really great question enter our inbox: I have a 1-yr-old Chow-Pitbull-Cattle Dog-Mastiff mix (Embark). We train nearly daily, with
If you’ve been following us for a while, you probably know that we think enrichment is a must. We still get a lot of questions,
Books are great, don’t get me wrong, but one of the drawbacks about them is that they’re outdated as soon as they’re published. Because we’re