Training Tips
Tracy Harachi

Is My Dog Really a Jogger?

It’s summer time, the sun is out, I live near a 2-ish mile long lake that attracts loads of walkers and runners, and I can’t

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Training Tips
Claire Laster

Is My Dog a Daycare Dog?

The offerings from daycares range widely from indoor/outdoor play options, to swimming pools, to nature walks, to agility equipment, and more! With this wealth and

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Training Tips
Ellen Yoakum

Can My Dog Sleep in My Bed?

“Can my dog sleep in my bed?”  This is one of those questions that, after years of working with families, I noticed people were anxious

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Training Tips

No Touchy My Toesies

As I sit here at my dining room table getting ready to write this blog my eyes shift up to the front window to see

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