As of September 7th, 2019, Pet Harmony has added Emily Strong from From Beaks to Barks to our family. Emily Strong is joining Allie Bender as co-owner of Pet Harmony, and all of From Beaks To Barks’ services and programs now belong to Pet Harmony. We decided to merge our businesses for a variety of reasons:
First, in the process of founding First Train Home, starting a mentorship program, and writing Canine Enrichment for the Real World, we found it increasingly difficult to sort out which business(es) owned which intellectual property, who was getting credit for what percentage, who was going to host the website for the book, and how we were going to share responsibility, income, and legal ownership of the mentorship program. The logistics were becoming more complicated and time-consuming than either of us had anticipated.
Second, it became increasingly clear that our goals for our respective consulting businesses were identical, but we had each placed different yet complementary priorities on different aspects of each business. Allie had prioritized creating the business structure which allowed her to hire employees, but had yet to create certain programs, services, and curricula she planned to. Emily, conversely, had already created those programs, services, and curricula but had yet to set up a business structure which would allow her to hire employees.
Finally, having set up First Train Home as a separate non-profit organization, we realized that doing so had created some difficulties in terms of sharing resources across the three organizations.
We decided that running two separate but functionally identical consulting businesses when we already co-authored the book and co-founded First Train Home was unnecessarily duplicating our efforts, and it made more sense to bring all our projects under one roof. So, Emily is bringing her programs into Allie’s infrastructure and they will co-own Pet Harmony as a joint venture. We are also in the process of filing the paperwork to change First Train Home from its own separate non-profit org into a philanthropic program belonging to Pet Harmony. More details on what that entails will be made available on the First Train Home website when the process is completed.
We welcome Emily to the Pet Harmony family! Learn more about her here: http://petharmonytraining.com/about/meet-your-consultants/