Start Fixing Your Dog's Behavior Today

Google– and your well-intentioned friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers– will tell you 1,000 ways to fix your dog’s behavior problems.

Our certified behavior consultants will tell you the right approach to dog behavior modification

Learn the foundation skills you need to start fixing your dog’s behavior today in this online dog behavior course.

Dog behavior can look like a lot of things

Nuisance behaviors

The behaviors that have you shaking your head, pulling out your hair from frustration and exclaiming “WHY!?” 

Scary or dangerous behaviors

The behaviors that have you afraid of your dog or what might happen next. 

From nuisance behaviors to scary behaviors, and everything in between, ​

our online dog behavior course can help.

Imagine the harmony your household could have if...

You could better predict your dog’s behavior.

You could stop problems before they start.

You could trust your dog again and stop living in dread of the chaos.

This beginning dog behavior modification training course can help you do all of this and more.

What does harmony look like for you?

But a life like this sounds unachievable right now, doesn't it?

You’ve tried DIY training with tips from YouTube. You’ve read blog posts, listened to podcasts and read books.

You might have even tried other online dog behavior courses before.

You've never had a dog like this before

We hear this from a majority of our clients, but what we’ve noticed is that most people are really trying to say:

I have no idea what to do. 

I don’t know where to start. 

Is my dog broken or strange or weird?

Can my dog’s behavior even be fixed?

We’ve worked with thousands of dogs and there’s nothing we haven’t seen. You’re not alone, and hope is here.

Your dog’s behavior problems are overwhelming

Overwhelming. Embarrassing. Scary. Annoying. Heartbreaking.

There are a lot of emotions that come with our dog’s behavior problems. 

But after clients learn the foundation skills of dog behavior modification, they often tell us that they feel…

Hope. Encouraged. Confident. Relief.

It’s time for you to feel that way, too. 

You’ve tried everything already

We hear this from a majority of our clients, too. 

While there are a thousand suggestions out there, there’s only a handful that will actually work, and putting them into practice often requires professional help.

The devil’s in the details and blog posts don’t provide the details. 

At the end of the day, “everything” to you is not “everything” to us, and oftentimes what’s lacking is the foundation skills covered in this online dog behavior course.

I'll let you in on a secret...

It doesn’t matter if your dog is lying down in the vet parking lot and won’t budge or is frantically pulling at the end of their leash when they see another dog or trying to bite everyone who comes in your house. 

The dog behavior modification skills you need to know are all the same, and that’s what this course will teach you. These are all of the same skills we teach each of our private pet training clients at the beginning of their behavior modification plan. 

The Pet Harmony team is here to teach you those foundation skills

Collectively we have over 70 years of experience working with dozens of species. We’ve been there, done that, and seen it all when it comes to dog behavior modification training. 

Our LIMA-friendly (or positive reinforcement, force-free, fear-free, whatever you’d like to call us) team includes:

The skills you'll learn in this online dog behavior course:

Unit 1: Body Language & Thresholds

  • Being able to better predict your dog’s behavior
  • Observing with your eyes, not your ideas, so you can more accurately address what’s going on
  • When to intervene so your training is more effective and you can step in before there’s a problem


Unit 2: Management

  • Skills that can provide immediate relief
  • Skills that can help keep others safe
  • Skills that can prevent your pet’s behavior from worsening before you get professional help


Unit 3: Enrichment

  • How to meet your pet’s needs to potentially change their behavior
  • Our go-to canine enrichment activities


Unit 4: Dog Behavior Modification

  • Why your dog does what they do
  • Why obedience training isn’t helping your dog’s behavior issue
  • Life skills that are applicable to almost any behavior modification plan

What you get

  • 20 videos detailing the skills you need to be successful in your dog’s behavior modification journey 
  • 6 extra videos to help you get started with the course and outline your steps after you’re done
  • Actionable steps with each lesson
  • Additional resources we use to help our clients
  • Skills you need to be successful!


Don't you need to see my dog's behavior to help me?

This is one of the most common myths of dog behavior modification and the answer is:


This isn’t like when your car makes a funny noise but, of course, stops making that noise when it’s in front of a mechanic so they tell you they can’t fix it. 

There’s only a handful of reasons why your dog is behaving the way they do and these foundation skills taught in our online dog behavior course will help them all.

How do I know this will help my individual dog?

While the foundation skills are the same for all behavior issues, you’re right that each case is unique because our dogs are individuals. 

That’s why we’ve set up this course to help you figure out the individual details for your unique dog. 

Each lesson includes an actionable item that helps you apply what you’re learning to your specific situation. 

So, no matter what’s going on, these dog behavior modification skills have you covered.

I'm not a professional trainer

And that’s okay! You don’t have to be. 

I’ll let you in on another secret…

A lot of animal behavior modification is educating the human and only a little of it is about actual dog training. 

That means that you absolutely do not need to be a skilled trainer to see results. 

The training exercises we’ve included are all simple and the majority of people can get started on them before working with a professional. 

Your Dog's New Best Friends

Allie Bender is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, Certified Professional Dog Trainer- Knowledge Assessed, and a Shelter Behavior Affiliate. She has been in the animal welfare industry since 2006 and professionally training since 2012. She is the founder and co-owner of Pet Harmony, co-author of Canine Enrichment for the Real World, and a national speaker.

While in the animal sheltering industry, Allie realized that her passion lied in helping pets with maladaptive behaviors. Specifically, she wanted to help prevent animals with rehabilitatable problems from being euthanized. She loves working with dogs and cats displaying stranger danger, resource guarding, and leash reactivity. Her favorite thing about working with pets and their people is seeing relationships grow and seeing harmonious households develop. Allie shares her years of experience in this online dog behavior course to help you live more harmoniously with your pet.

Ellen Yoakum is a Separation Anxiety Pro Trainer, Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner, and a Certified Professional Bird Trainer- Knowledge Assessed. She has been in the animal welfare industry since 2009 and professionally training since 2015. She is a behavior consultant with Pet Harmony. 

Ellen originally worked in exotic animal care and wildlife rehab. When she adopted one of her dogs, Griffey (pictured), she made the transition to domestic animals and pet behavior. She cites being able to help Griffey work through a myriad of maladaptive behaviors and successfully integrate into their household as one of her most rewarding experiences. She now gets to help others do the same as a dog behavior consultant and lives for seeing people have those “lightbulb” moments. Ellen loves working with separation anxiety, in addition to other behaviors.

Emily Strong is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant and Shelter Behavior Affiliate. She has been in the animal welfare industry since 1990 and professionally training since 2009. She is the co-owner of Pet Harmony, co-author of Canine Enrichment for the Real World, and a national speaker. 

Emily started working with animals at a young age and struggled with the notion that you have to hurt, scare, or intimidate animals to help them. When she discovered the behavior sciences and learned that it wasn’t necessary to do so– that we can care for emotional, mental, and physical health simultaneously– she plunged headfirst into animal behavior. Emily loves helping prospective animal behavior professionals learn how to become behavior consultants and working with pet parents through one-on-one services and our online dog training courses. She enjoys working with all species. 

MaryKaye Kendrick is an Accredited Dog Trainer and Shelter Behavior Affiliate. She has been in the animal welfare industry since 2011 and professionally training since 2017. She is a behavior consultant with Pet Harmony. 

Before working with pets, MaryKaye started out working in the human mental health fields and teaching kids. She’s since made the transition to working with pet behavior after volunteering over 1200 hours with her local animal shelter. She loves the human and animal side of behavior consulting and meeting all learners where they are in their educational journeys. MaryKaye enjoys working with adolescent dogs, leash reactivity, and households with children.

Dog Behavior Training FAQs

Absolutely! With our private dog training clients, we offer at-home and online dog training options. After years of experience with remote training, we can confidently say that online training works just as well as in-person. The truth is, successful dog training really comes to teaching the humans involved. And we can do that just as easily face-to-face as we can with an online dog training course.

Just press play 🙂 In all seriousness, there’s nothing special you have to do to get started with our Beginning Behavior Modification course. As long as you have a dog and you have a behavior problem you want to address, then you can start learning from this course.

The online dog behavior course starts with a few welcome videos to help you start working through the material and understand what to expect. From there, you can work through each module at your own pace and start learning the behavior modification skills you need to work with your pet.

It depends on your dog and the behavior you’re working to address. If you are dealing with just one challenging behavior and it’s not a danger to people or other animals in your household, it can work really well to start the training process with an online dog behavior course. If you’re facing multiple behavior problems or dealing with behavior like biting or aggression, then it’s usually a better idea to work with a professional for in-home or virtual pet training.

Get Started with Dog Behavior Modification Training

Ready to get started with an online course to learn behavior modification for your pet? Register via the link below to get instant access.

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